Sgment-Figure-IVYes, summer is here, and the Berkshire artscape is blooming.

The SculptureNow show at The Mount in Lenox, MA opens for the season this Saturday, June 13th.  Here is a recent picture of my piece, Segment Figure IV, which is still in the rusting process.

There will be a guided tour of this year’s show, starting at 3:30, with many of the artists there to present their work.  The reception on the terrace of Edith Wharton’s fabulous residence begins at 5:00.  I’m sorry to say that I won’t be there, as Peggy and I will be at a reunion in New Hampshire, a once-every-five-year event that we simply can’t miss.

This year’s show is looking strong.  There is a great selection of work in steel, stone, wood and more.  The Mount’s landscape is an absolutely wonderful backdrop.

There is all kinds of programming going on at The Mount, and I encourage you to check it out:

The Berkshire summer schedule could fill page after page, of course.  Here’s a great place to start:

I would gladly give any of you a personal tour of the show.  Enjoy this precious summer!

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